Confensiwn Cyngor Ewrop ar Ddull Diogelwch Eiddo a Diogelwch Personol a Gwasanaeth Integredig mewn Gemau Pêl-droed a Digwyddiadau Chwaraeon Eraill

Confensiwn Cyngor Ewrop ar Ddull Diogelwch Eiddo a Diogelwch Personol a Gwasanaeth Integredig mewn Gemau Pêl-droed a Digwyddiadau Chwaraeon Eraill

The Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee is responsible for the scrutiny of non-trade international agreements.


As part of the UK’s ratification process, treaties are laid in the UK Parliament with an initial 21 day period for scrutiny.


The following international agreement was laid on 21 June 2023 relating to this Committee’ remit:


>>>Council of Europe Convention on an Integrated Safety, Security and Service Approach to Football Matches and Other Sporting Events.


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